Citrulluslanatus, commonly called watermelon, “patilla”, “paitilla”, “aguamelón” or water melon is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, native to Africa . It is a herbaceous of annual , climbing or crawling cycle , rough texture , hair shafts provided with tendrils and leaves of five deep lobes. The flowers are yellow , large and unisexual , female have the gynoecium with three carpels and male and five stamens. The fruit of the plant is large (usually more than 4 kilos ) , pepo , succulent and juicy (over 90 % is water) , almost spherical, smooth texture without porosities , green in two or more colors.

The flesh is red – because of the antioxidant lycopene (also present in tomatoes ) , and usually meat ( rarely yellow and bitter ) sweet and very refreshing and appreciated for being rich in water and salt and the pulp prepares a type of fresh water. It is usually considered important for diets since it contains fewer calories. The numerous seeds can grow to 1 cm long , are black, brown or white , rich in vitamin E, have been used in folk medicine , toast are also consumed as food .